Censinet “Flywheel” Drives Unprecedented TPRM Speed, Risk Reduction

Third-party vendors leverage 1-Click AssessmentsTM and AI to rapidly complete security questionnaires
Automatically schedule and initiate reassessments and leverage automation to facilitate quick completion
Generate Automated Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) with assessment findings and recommended remediations
Boost in Assessment Productivity 400%+
Complete risk assessments in less than 10 Days
Manage and track 100% of corrective actions
Monitor for changes in vendor risk posture; get breach & ransomware alerts for your third parties
Manage and track corrective actions via platform with vendors; automation enables SME review and sign off
Manage all TPRM + ERM corrective actions in Risk Register and collaborate with entire enterprise to ensure closure
Boost in Assessment Productivity 400%+
Complete risk assessments in less than 10 Days
Manage and track 100% of corrective actions
Third-party vendors leverage 1-Click AssessmentsTM and AI to rapidly complete security questionnaires
Generate Automated Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) with assessment findings and recommended remediations
Manage and track corrective actions via platform with vendors; automation enables SME review and sign off
Manage all TPRM + ERM corrective actions in Risk Register and collaborate with entire enterprise to ensure closure
Monitor for changes in vendor risk posture; get breach & ransomware alerts for your third parties
Automatically schedule and initiate reassessments and leverage automation to facilitate quick completion