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Why Censinet?

Top 5 Reasons Our Customers Love Censinet

See why our customers choose Censinet and learn about the significant impact we drive on a daily basis to help healthcare organizations manage third-party risk management (TPRM) more efficiently and effectively.

Matt Christensen
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“Healthcare is the most complex industry…You can’t just take a tool and apply it to healthcare if it wasn’t built specifically for healthcare.”

– Matt Christensen, Sr. Director GRC, Intermountain Health


Censinet is Purpose-Built for Healthcare

  • Designed to manage the unique, complex risks in healthcare
  • Curated for healthcare-specific standards (e.g. HIPAA, NIST CSF)
  • Standardized assessments for vendors, products, BioMed, IRB, etc.


The Speed (aka, Workflow Automation)

  • No more “spreadsheet chaos” when managing risk
  • Significant time and cost savings from automation
  • Increases risk assessment productivity by 400%+
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“Censinet RiskOps allowed 3 FTEs to go back to their real jobs! Now we do a lot more risk assessments with only 2 FTEs required.”

– Terry Grogan, CISO, Tower Health
Terry Grogan


A True Partner in Innovation

  • Customers see Censinet as a real partnership for driving risk innovation
  • Customer Success hailed as highly responsive and engaged
  • Forward leaning on AI and emerging regulatory issues


Strong Buy-In from Community

  • Third-party vendors readily accept Censinet standardized questionnaires
  • 1-Click Assessments™ significantly accelerate vendor response times
  • Opportunity for collaboration, shared learning, and peer benchmarking
James Case
Read Case Study

“Not only did we get rid of spreadsheets, but we have that larger community [of hospitals] to partner and work with.”

– James Case, VP & CISO, Baptist Health


Drives Broader Enterprise Value

  • Tighter collaboration with Procurement, Legal, and IT to improve vendor onboarding process
  • Benchmarking allows for peer comparison on cyber maturity and performance
  • Benchmarking/ERM capabilities drive stronger engagement with the Board and helps justify cyber investment
Censinet Risk Assessment Request Graphic

Censinet RiskOps™ Demo Request

Do you want to revolutionize the way your healthcare organization manages third-party and enterprise risk while also saving time, money, and increasing data security? It’s time for RiskOps.

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